Thursday, 9 August 2012

The Simple Difference

There have been forums on this here Twitter that have sought to bring people together based on their interest. There are those that love their poetry, they used to be those who played their chess and scrabble and well not to forget those who love their blankets soaked in wine.

The masses however are those that love their football. They have their teams in their twitter bios, they make memes, they curse in caps when their keeper blunders and they tweet with billions of exclamation marks when their favourite strikers score.

We came up with an idea to call up tweeps and play some football. There was banter about fans of the big four teams in the EPL playing against one another. The hype was there but it didn't materialize. All hope has not been lost though. So far we've had three games played. Guys have shown up and it has been fun. This can be improved on to say the least. Tell your friends to tell their friends to turn up.

Well the dreaded and most useless part is that whole talk on the TL of how a tweet up went by talking crap about how people look like, or walk like or even talk like. We're all grown ups. Keep the scrutiny to yourself (if you have any) and be content with what/who you are. The aim to this is to become the simple difference.

That aside, things seem to be looking up. We're into single digits people. 9 days to the Premier League kick off. Prepare your joys, tears, sweat and blood because it will be another interesting season.

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