Monday, 16 July 2012


Are you bored with all the transfer rumors? Do you want to see real soccer? Do you wanna play soccer? Do you wanna meet soccer loving tweeps and socialize? Well if your answer was yes to any of the questions, then this soccer tweet up is for peeps like you. We love to watch, and love to play soccer... and socialize.

Saturday August 4th is going to be the next soccer tweet up. Royal Media staff and a few tweeps will be playing at Saint George Primary School. Arrival time is 11.00am and the games shall continue till about 2:30pm. Come meet and play against some of the tweeps you love to see on your timelines. The last time out we had so many I couldn't give them all a personal shout-out here.

Saint George Primary, for those who do not already know, is right next to Saint George's Girls High School. To get there from town, board a Number 8 or Number 46 matatu and alight at Chaka Place. From there, ask any one of the taxi guys where it is and you shall be directed. Its not too far from there. So... a brief run-down of that Saturday.

DATE:         4th August 2012
VENUE:     Saint George Primary
TIME:         11am to 2.30pm

PS: Bring a friend. The more the merrier. 

Remember, this is an open event and anyone(all genders) can and should feel free to attend. No money required... just your fare there and back to where you came from. Hopefully we will recover quickly from the soccer withdrawal soon. Feel free to contact @kevin_seth @sirfender or myself, @Arthurnyoiks regarding the tweet up. We are glad to help

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